Our interest is to safeguard your properties
Life is a series of risks for people who own or develop properties. You might unknowingly build on an environmentally compromised site, leaving your project and lending capabilities severely threatened. The real estate experts at Hilb Group are well aware of this potential exposure and many more, and are skilled at developing plans to manage them.
We routinely handle multi-million-dollar real estate schedules. We insure apartment and condo complexes, commercial buildings, malls and manufacturing sites. From environmental liability and builders-risk to tenant discrimination, loss-of-rents coverage, property/casualty and employee benefits compliance expertise, licensed Hilb Group brokers begin by taking the time to thoroughly understand your organization, vision, and opportunities, then develop an insurance program as unique as your schedule of properties.
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A captive is a privately owned insurance company that covers a specific business. It issues policies, collects premiums, and pays claims just like a commercial insurer.

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Environmental Liability
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