man flying a drone with mountains in the background

We “Get” Tech

Today the promise of technology is nearly matched by the perils it brings, so nothing is off-the-shelf for Hilb Group’s technology clients. We know that one wrong keystroke can rudely acquaint your company with the limits of your privacy liability coverage.

Another can instantly compromise network security. Hackers lurk everywhere; your intellectual property can walk out the door suddenly with a disgruntled employee; the regulatory landscape changes almost daily. You can’t afford to deal with an amateur insurance advisor.

Hilb Group’s Technology Practice has the experience and knowledge to serve value-added resellers, custom software vendors, tech consultants and others. We take the time to thoroughly understand your organization, vision and risks before developing an insurance program that covers everything from errors and omissions to identity theft, industry-specific customized property/casualty solutions, and employee-benefits liability programs.

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